Super Baby: ACE

Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Thursday, January 18, 2007

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Andi and the girl's are out shopping the day after thanksgiving, ACE's first time in the snugglie

A surprised ACE to find out that he wasn't being held by mom or dad

Ace with his first meal other than milk, as he eats aunt andi's nose... probably don't taste too good.

Nate's older sister holding both nate and ACE. (note ACE is awake)

Maren and tiffany Eudaily with her son that was born on 10/30/2006 even though he was due before Ace. the two happy moms and their sons just hanging out Thanksgiving evening.

Thanksgiving Dinner foto taken by Maren so you see all the others, ace being held by grandma

Grandma took a que from ACE and took a nap herself

Aunt Andi again with the sleeping monkey. you might think that she likes the little guy or something...

Ace busy again with his favorite past time, this time sleeping on Dad's shoulder

Ace Sleeping while being held by grandma

Grandpa with sleeping Ace

Aunt Andi. second aunt to see him in person and he wasn't set down for a week after grandma and andi showed up!

I like this hat best, but he is now too big for it.

more Pictures sorry been busy with finals so there should be alot of new posts tonight.

Here is Grandpa Allan Wayne Elliott, feeding the little ACE.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Yellow Baby Allan needs no make -up to make his first halloween costume look cute, he's a short necked giraffe.

Uncle Mark hanging with Allan.

Cousin Nick or is it Cousin it, not sure with that mop top.

His First Visit From family, Allan meets his Aunt Connie, Uncle Mark and cousin Nick. (there pictures to follow)

Allan cuddled up after a feeding, so small, so cute!

His feet the next morning

Mike holding Allan after his first bath.

Allans first bath at home, he doesn't like his bath time much, maybe he will after his cord is off and he can be submerged more.

Day Four: A little yellow but with his eyes open, he's called mellow yellow at this point, as he is pretty laid back, he has his boxing gloves on because mom doesn't want to cut his nails yet

The outfit that Allan wore to his first trip to the Doctors Office. Maren loves his Bunny hat. Plus, it is one of the few big enough for his big head.

This is a preview of the official birth announcement for Allan, it was put together by a friend of ours. Summer Potter

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Allan getting dressed for the hospital photographer. Those pictures are at
the url below.

This is the picture of Allan that was first sent out to family and friends. His first "published" Photo.

This is a picture of how big his head was the day he was born. They told us this would change soon so we tried to get a pitures to show the lumpiness of his big head. it has chagned and the hairs a closer together now, and he has a baby mullet.

Dad's first Picture with Allan, wearing a mustache that was going to be used for a halloween costume that won't be used this year it looks like.

Maren's first time holding Allan in the delivery room, Happy to be done pushing and get to hold ACE out of the ... well you know.

Superbaby ACE

This is Allan's second picture, mom censored the first. This was taken before mom got to hold him in the delivery room and just after he peed on dad. He was born at 2:44 eastern time, at Riverside methodist hospital, in Columbus, Ohio. At birth he weighed 8 pounds and 5 ounces. He was 20 1/4 inches long. He had a big hairy head measureing 14 1/2 inches around. He has a future on saturday night live in the conehead sketches.